One of our AdvoKids, Cori McWilliams, was selected as a Wyland Foundation Youth Ambassador for the Planet for her dedication to protecting sea turtles. This award is presented to hardworking kids who strive to help the planet. Cori has volunteered with Sea Turtle Conservancy’s AdvoKids program for more than 2 years.
For one of her projects, she created a sea turtle book read-a-thon fundraiser at her school. The read-a-thon lasted three weeks, and Cori was able to raise $72. She also led educational presentations about sea turtles for second grade classes at her school and has participated in several beach clean-ups. And recently, she became an official volunteer at the Barrier Island Center.
This past week, Cori’s school invited her to continue hosting sea turtle presentations to the second-grade classes at her school. In addition to the presentations, she handed out educational information about sea turtles and encouraged her peers to get more involved.
“Between being a ‘big third grader’ and also being a sea turtle AdvoKid, the 2nd graders pretty much pushed Cori into rock stardom!” said Cori’s mom, Celeste McWilliams, who also volunteers for Sea Turtle Conservancy.
Keep up the amazing work Cori!
Cori wearing her Youth Ambassador for the Planet Medal