Scientific Publications (1998 to present)

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• Wide‑ranging migration of post‑nesting hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) from the Caribbean island of NevisDaniel R. Evans, Lemuel Pemberton & Raymond R. Carthy. Marine Biology (2024)

Sea Turtle Conservation at Tortuguero: A Case on How to turn an Ecological Challenge into a Collaborative Opportunity for Research, Education Outreach, and Business Development – Minh Q. Huynh, Jose Noguera, Roldán A.Valverde. Southwestern Business Administration Journal (2024)

Illegal take of nesting sea turtles in Tortuguero, Costa Rica: Conservation, trade, or tradition? – Minh Q. Huynh, Jaime Restrepo, Carmen Mejías-Balsalobre, Héctor Barrios-Garrido, Roldán A.Valverde. Journal of Environmental Management (2022)

Identification of the Gulf of Mexico as an important high-use habitat for leatherback turtles from Central AmericaDaniel R. Evans, Roldán A. Valverde, Cristina Ordoñez, & Raymond R. Carthy. Escosphere (2021)

Migration routes, foraging behavior, and site fidelity of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) satellite tracked from a globally important rookery Daniel R. Evans, Raymond R. Carthy, & Simona A. Ceriani. Marine Biology (2019)

Sea Turtle Conservancy’s Caribbean Leatherback Tracking and Conservation Project, Bocas del Toro region, Panama. Daniel R. Evans. Testudo (2019)

Pan-Atlantic analysis of the overlap of a highly migratory species, the leatherback turtle, with pelagic longline fisheries. S. Fossette, M. J. Witt, P. Miller, M. A. Nalovic, D. Albareda, A. P. Almeida, A. C. Broderick, D. Chacón-Chaverri, M. S. Coyne, A. Domingo, S. Eckert, Daniel R. Evans, A. Fallabrino, S. Ferraroli, A. Formia, B. Giffoni, G. C. Hays, G. Hughes, L. Kelle, A. Leslie, M. López-Mendilaharsu, P. Luschi, L. Prosdocimi, S. Rodriguez-Heredia, A. Turny, S. Verhage, & B. J. Godley. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B (2014)

Sea Turtles of Bocas del Toro Province and the Comarca Ngo¨be-Bugle´, Republic of Panama. Anne Meylan, Peter Meylan, & Cristina Ordoñez. Chelonian Conservation and Biology (2013)acrobatsmall

Atlantic Leatherback Migratory Paths and Temporary Residence Areas. Sabrina Fossette, Charlotte Girard, Milagros López-Mendilaharsu, Philip Miller, Andrés Domingo, Daniel R. Evans, Laurent Kelle, Virginie Plot, Laura Prosdocimi, Sebastian Verhage, Philippe Gaspar, Jean-Yves Georges. PlosOne (2010)

Chiriquí Beach, Panama, the most important leatherback nesting beach in Central America. Cristina Ordoñez, Sebastian TroëngAnne MeylanPeter Meylan, and Argelis Ruiz. Chelonian Conservation and Biology (2007)

Migration of green turtles Chelonia mydas from Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Sebastian Troëng, Daniel R. Evans, Emma Harrison, & Cynthia J. Lagueux. Marine Biology (2005)acrobatsmall

Migration of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata from Tortuguero, Costa RicaSebastian Troëng, Peter H. Dutton and Daniel R. Evans. Ecography (2005)acrobatsmall  Español acrobatsmall

Population structure and genetic diversity in green turtles nesting at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, based on mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Karen A. Bjorndal, Alan B. Bolten, & Sebastian Troëng. Marine Biology (2005)acrobatsmall

Long-term conservation efforts contribute to positive green turtle Chelonia mydas nesting trend at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Sebastian Troëng & Eddie Rankin. Biological Conservation (2005)acrobatsmall

Money Talks: Economic Aspects of Marine Turtle Use and Conservation. Sebastian Troëng & Carols Drews. WWF Publishing (2004)acrobatsmall

Possible decline in leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea nesting along the coast of Caribbean Central America. Sebastian Troëng, Didiher Chacón, & Belinda Dick. Oryx (2004)acrobatsmall

Posible decadencia en la anidación de la tortuga baula Dermochelys coriacea a lo largo de la costa caribeña de Centroamérica. Sebastian Troëng, Didiher Chacón, & Belinda Dick. Oryx Español (2004)acrobatsmall

Juvenile green turtle tagged in Florida recorded at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Sebastian Troëng, Robert Wershoven, & Emma Harrison. Marine Turtle Newsletter (2003)acrobatsmall

Link between green turtles foraging in Brazil and nesting in Costa Rica?. Eduardo Lima & Sebastian Troëng. Marine Turtle Newsletter (2001)acrobatsmall

Predation of green (Chelonia mydas) and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) turtle by jaguars (Panthera onca) at Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. Sebastian Troëng, Chelonian Conservation and Biology (2000)acrobatsmall

Observations of male green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on the nesting beach at Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. Sebastian Troëng, Chelonian Conservation and Biology (2000)acrobatsmall

Poaching threatend the green turtle rookery at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Sebastian Troëng, Marine Turtle Newsletter (1998)acrobatsmall

Bibliography of publications by Dr. Archie Carr.

Bold name indicates Sea Turtle Conservancy Staff.