STC Programs: Educational Initiatives: Tortuguero, Costa Rica

STC_TortugueroEOASea Turtle Conservancy has worked for the conservation of endangered sea turtles in Costa Rica since 1959. Tortuguero hosts the largest green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookery in the Western Hemisphere and also important nesting populations of leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles. The Costa Rican legislature declared Tortuguero National Park in 1975 to protect the nesting turtles, the beach and the adjacent terrestrial habitats. STC researchers and volunteers, who are based at STC’s John H. Phipps Biological Field Station, continue to monitor nesting trends, growth rates and reproductive success begun by Dr. Archie Carr in the 1950s.

STC’s Education and Outreach Assistantship Application
STC’s Junior Research Assistant Program
STC Engages Local Kids in Turtle Conservation