Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge up for Reranking on December 5th!

Date: November 18, 1997
Contact: Gary Appelson
Phone: (352) 373-6441
How You Can Help

Its that time of year, the 1998 Conservation and Recreational Conservation Fund (CARL) Priority List is being decided on December 5th. The Archie Carr Refuge needs your support to stay on top of the rankings list. The refuge can be completed if it maintains its high CARL ranking.

Last year the refuge was ranked second on the CARL priority list, and for several years before that the refuge has been ranked among the top five CARL projects. This high ranking history suggests that the Land Acquisition Advisory Commity (LAAC) understands the global significance of this area to threatened and endangered sea turtles, as well as other listed species (including the Southeastern beach mouse, indigo snake, Florida scrub jay and West Indian manatee). It also suggests that the LAAC continues to be aware of the extreme development pressure in the refuge.

Dr. Archie Carr, founder of STC, and others were interested in protecting the 20-mile stretch of beach in Brevard and Indian River Counties that is now the Archie Carr Refuge. That section of beach is an area now known to be the most important nesting site for loggerhead turtles in the Western Hemisphere and the most important nesting beach for endangered green sea turtles in the United States. Over 15,000 loggerhead nests were documented in the refuge this year, and over 900 green turtle nests and a record 10 leatherback nests were counted last year.

Since the early 1980s, this critically important nesting beach has been threatened by encroaching development and the various impacts associated with it. In 1989, two years after Dr. Carr’s death, STC and others were successful in getting Congress to designate the area as the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. Since then, joint land acquisition efforts between the federal government, the State of Florida, Brevard and Indian River Counties and the private Mellon Foundation have provided funding to purchase many beach front and dune system parcels. As the federal budget becomes tighter, it is even more important that State of Florida, through the CARL program, help complete the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge by continuing to budget all it can for land purchases within the refuge boundary.


Funds are limited for projects next year, and it is likely that only the top 10 ranked projects will be funded. This year it is very important to make sure the refuge stays ranked in the top 5, even better would be in the top two again, so let the LAAC members know that ranking the Archie Carr Refuge among their highest priorities is important to you.

Mr. James F. Murley, Secretary
Deparment of Community Affairs
Sadowski Buildling, First Floor
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd
Tallahassee FL 32399-2100
Phone: 850-488-8466
Fax: 850-921-0781
Ms. Virginia B. Wetherall, Secretary
Department of Environmental Protection
Majory Stoneman Douglas Bldg, Rm 1041A
3900 Commonwealth Blvd, M.S. 10
Tallahassee FL 32399-3000
Phone: 850-488-1554
Fax: 850-488-7093
Mr. Kirby Green, III, Deputy Secretary
Department of Environmental Protection
Majory Stoneman Douglas Bldg, Rm 1009A
3900 Commonwealth Blvd, M.S. 10
Tallahassee FL 32399-3000
Phone: 850-488-7131
Fax: 850-488-7093
Ms. Terry L. Rhodes, Deputy Commissioner
Division of Forestry
Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services
The Capitol, PL 10
Tallahassee FL 32399-8010
Phone: 850-488-3022
Fax: 850-488-7585
Dr. Allen L. Egbert, Executive Director
Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission
Farris Bryant Building, Rm 101
620 South Meridian
Tallahassee FL 32399-1600
Phone: 850-488-2975
Fax: 850-488-6988
Mr. George Percy, Director
Division of Histroical Resources
Dept. of State
R.A. Gary Building, Rm 305
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee FL 32399-0250
Phone: 850-488-1480
Fax: 850-488-3353