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Tortuguero Sea Turtle Tracking

Tortuguero Green & Hawksbill Tracking

In 2000, Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) began satellite tagging sea turtles to study their migration from Tortuguero, Costa Rica to their feeding grounds throughout the Caribbean. Through STC’s Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program, the public is invited to watch along as we learn more about these amazing animals.

A satellite transmitter is attached to the turtle’s shell to monitor their movements once back in the ocean. Both green and hawksbill sea turtles are being tracked as part of this study designed to help STC and others learn more about the migratory behavior of these species. This information will help both conservationists and natural resource managers improve protection efforts for this endangered species by helping establish “migration pathways” between nesting grounds and feeding areas.

Sea Turtle Conservancy