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Harris is an adult female hawksbill sea turtle rescued on December 8, 2022 in the upper Keys. She had a fishing lure imbedded in her shoulder. The fishing gear was removed and her prognosis was good. Harris is the largest hawksbill sea turtle ever admitted to the Turtle Hospital! She weighed in at 171 pounds and had a shell length of 82 cm. She was released with a satellite tag offshore on December 21, 2022.

Trans Alps Adventure

Migration Map

Hover over location circle to view date, and over the turtle icon to view most recent date.

Cumulative distance traveled: 2,191 km (1,362 miles)
Distance covered since last location: 28.01 km (17.40 miles)
Average speed since release: 1.31 kph (0.81 mph)
Average speed since last location: 1.13 kph (0.70 mph)
Time since last location update: 17,851 hours
Time tracked: 70 days

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On average, transmitters will send signals for around 1 year from the time the turtle is released. Sometimes it can be 2 years, and sometimes it can be less than a year. The turtle icon location point represents the most recent location received for this turtle. It is not uncommon for a transmitter to skip a day or two due to the turtle’s behavior or biofouling on the transmitter or antenna. This map is automatically updated with new points as soon as they are received by the Sea Turtle Conservancy. If the most recent point is more than two months old, then the transmitter is most likely no longer working.

The presentation of data here is for educational and entertainment purposes and does not constitute publication, and the researchers who contributed this data retain all intellectual property rights. Map, materials, images or data may NOT be used without permission. Use of this map, material, images, or data for any purpose (including, but not limited to, reproduction and distribution) without the written consent of the Sea Turtle Conservancy or the researcher/institute contributing the data is prohibited.

Map created by Mapotic for Sea Turtle Conservancy. Data and Map © STC (unless otherwise noted)

**SCAM ALERT!** If you have been offered a STC tracked turtle by purchasing something from Bela Wonder, MyTurtleProject, Mahola, Tidalia, Earth Lives, Ocean Lives, Ocean (not to be confused with ‘The Ocean Project’), Blue Ocean, Turtle’s Journey, Wildlife Team, Wildlife Mission, Wildlife Charm, or Ocean Better, they have used Sea Turtle Conservancy’s turtle tracking information without our permission. The one exception is ‘Fahlo (previously called Wildlife Collections),’ which has an exclusive partnership with STC involving our tracked turtles.

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