Please review your donation details:
Submission Date: 12/08/2024
Name: {Name (First):2.3} {Name (Last):2.6}
Address: {Address (Street Address):3.1} {Address (Address Line 2):3.2}
City: {Address (City):3.3}
State/Province: {State:22}{Province/Territory:24}{Province/Region:25}
Postal Code: {Zip Code:23}{Postal Code:26}
Country: {Country:108}
Email: {Email:5}
Heard About STC: {Where Did You Hear About STC?:14}
Certificate Name: {Field ID:84}
Turtle Name: {Field ID:85}{Field ID:86}
Name: {Gift Recipient Name (First):10.3} {Gift Recipient Name (Last):10.6}
Address: {Gift Recipient Address (Street Address):11.1} {Gift Recipient Address (Address Line 2):11.2}
City: {Gift Recipient Address (City):11.3}
State/Province: {Gift Recipient State:27}{Gift Recipient Province/Territory:29}{Gift Recipient Province/Region:30}
Postal Code: {Gift Recipient Zip Code:28}{Gift Recipient Postal Code:31}
Country: {Country:109}
Phone: {Phone:53}
Email: {Gift Recipient Email:12}
Gift From: {Gift From:105}
Gift Message: {Gift Occasion Message:13}
Send Gift To: {Please send the Gift to:15}
Membership Level: {:102}{:103}
Premium Requested: {Free Gift:95}{Select Free Gift::96}{Select Free Gift::97}{Free Gift::98}{Free Gift::99}{Free Gift::100}
Total Donation: {Total:106}
Shipping: {Mailing Method:73}{Mailing Method:74}{Mailing Method:75}{Mailing Method:76}
Amount to be Charged: {Total:93}