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Boat Strikes

Boat strikes are widely acknowledged as a significant threat to sea turtles and other marine animals.
The Problem

Boat Propellers Cause Sea Turtle Deaths

Sea turtles have poor hearing and vision when out of the water and are vulnerable to boat strikes as they surface to breathe, bask near the surface, or forage in shallow areas or on prey near the sea surface. Adult sea turtles are at increased risk especially during breeding and nesting season.

Turtles can be injured and sometimes killed by blunt-force trauma from boat impact or propellers. Unfortunately, even sea turtles that do survive boat impacts may receive scars and lose limbs, and most eventually die from their boat-related injuries.

Trans Alps Adventure
Tracking The Numbers

Taking A Closer Look

Working to eliminate boat strike incidents, which have tripled in Florida since 1980.
Florida registered recreational vessels.
Sea turtle strandings in Florida that have boat strike injuries.
Nearly 3,000
Estimated yearly sea turtle deaths attributed to boat strikes.
The Solution

Slow Down In Sea Turtle Areas

The FWC estimates that the number of boats in Florida will double along with the human population between 2006 and 2060. As boating activity increases, the risk of boat strikes on sea turtles will rise significantly. Boaters can be part of the solution by following safe boating practices, such as slowing down in designated turtle zones, keeping an eye out for surfacing turtles, and using propeller guards to reduce the chances of fatal strikes. This issue extends beyond Florida, as sea turtles are found in coastal waters around the world. In places like the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mediterranean, similar measures can be adopted to protect these endangered species. By increasing awareness and taking action globally, boaters can play a crucial role in preserving sea turtle populations and maintaining the health of marine ecosystems everywhere.

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Tips & Resources

Stay Alert

Be aware of changes in the surface of the water, like swirls that can indicate that a 300-pound loggerhead or one-ton manatee is underwater.

Take Caution

Sea turtles are extremely active in waters near nesting areas during nesting season, so boaters should take extreme caution during the summer months.

Slow Down

Slow down over turtle feeding areas such as seagrass beds and coral reefs.

Call For Help

Boaters who hit a manatee or sea turtle should stay in the area and call the Department of Natural Resources at 800-2-SAVE-ME. Boaters will not be charged if the collision was an accident and they were operating their boat responsibly.

Useful Information