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Florida Policy Initiative

Six Decades of Conservation Work

Drawing on STC’s six decades of international sea turtle conservation experience, STC’s Florida Policy Initiative is improving the survival outlook for marine turtles in Florida, which supports 90% of all the sea turtle nesting in continental U.S., by advocating for state protection of sea turtles and their habitat and empowering small, local sea turtle groups throughout Florida. The Sea Turtle Conservancy initiated the campaign to address the threats to Florida’s nesting sea turtles posed by coastal development, construction of sea walls, and increasing reliance on beach nourishment to protect poorly sited upland development.

Every year, the Florida Legislature, made up of 120 House members and 40 Senate members, convenes to pass legislation. STC closely monitors bills and policies that could positively or negatively impact Florida’s sea turtles and their habitats and, when necessary, calls upon its members and followers to contact legislators about these policies. Outside of the Legislative Session, STC also monitors proposals that could impact sea turtles.

STC’s Florida Policy Initiative seeks to eliminate or reduce the continued destruction of Florida’s remaining coastal habitat by addressing the root causes – poorly designed coastal management policies and ineffective enforcement of existing laws and regulations.

General Legislative Priorities

Focused on Reducing Sea Turtle Threats

The 2025 Florida Legislative Session will begin on April 14, 2025. Our legislative priorities are focused on reducing the many threats that Florida’s sea turtles face, including: climate change and sea level rise, risky coastal development, plastic pollution, degraded water quality and associated impacts to sea turtle food sources. STC’s general legislative priorities are as follows:

  • Encouraging nature-based solutions to sea level rise and coastal erosion
  • Defending Home Rule and local governments’ ability to protect natural resources
  • Protecting the Specialty License Plate program, particularly the Helping Sea Turtles Survive License Plate
  • Supporting efforts to reduce nutrient pollution within Florida’s waterways

Our Policy Initiatives

Stay Informed

To be informed and support STC’s policy initiatives, we suggest doing the following:

Check Back

Checking this page for up to date information on legislation and other topics that impact sea turtles and their habitats.

Sign Up

Signing up to receive Sea Turtle Conservancy’s Turtle Talk E-newsletter

Monthly Donation

Supporting Sea Turtle Conservancy (If you prefer, you can make a monthly donation of $5 or more to support us throughout the year)

Make Your Voice Heard

How to Contact Florida’s Legislators

Florida residents and organizations can have the most influence by directly contacting legislators in their district. If you are unsure who your Florida Senator or Representative is, click the links below:

Find Florida Senators:

Find members of the Florida House Representative:

While sending an email about a bill or policy can be an effective way to reach a legislator, calling and stating your concerns is more effective, and attending committee meetings where bills will be considered and signing up to speak is even more effective.

How non-Floridians can help

People residing outside the state of Florida can still make a difference for sea turtles. If you are concerned about a bill or policy, please contact the relevant entity mentioned in each “action needed” section.

If you have additional questions about STC’s Policy Priorities, please email Stacey Gallagher at