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Whether you are looking to adopt a turtle or find the perfect gift for a loved one our membership options are the perfect choice! Our supporting members are an integral part of our global community. Your gift of membership will allow the Sea Turtle Conservancy to continue in our efforts to ensure sea turtle survival through conservation, advocacy, research, and education.

A New Label Was Born

Sea Turtle Conservancy has shown that endangered sea turtles can be recovered—through sustained research and conservation that includes habitat protection, elimination of human-caused threats, and creative education programs that build public support for saving these amazing animals. As evidence of this success, both loggerhead and green turtle numbers in Florida are increasing. Similar results are being seen at STC’s project sites in Panama, where both hawksbills and leatherbacks are setting record nesting levels. While it is important to acknowledge and celebrate whenever our research finds that sea turtles are responding well to conservation efforts, we must also remain vigilant in identifying and responding to each new threat. To do this, we depend on the support of people, businesses and foundations that care as much as we do about sea turtles and the marine environment. Thank you for your support!

Audrey Stevenson

Our Values Underpin Our
Company Culture

Respect & Fairness

Consequat vitae magna, eget tempor auctor neque nec urna.


Maecenas ullamcorper, dui et placerat feugiat, eros pede.

Growth & Creativity

Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis.

Love & Kindness

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus netus fames.

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