Educator Special Student Adopt-A-Turtle Option

Sea Turtle Conservancy is pleased to introduce our new Educator Special for all of you sea-turtle loving teachers out there. We love to have a part in school curriculum and play a part in helping our world’s young minds grow. STC currently offers a reduced rate adoption program for our hard-working educators; however we want to introduce another option.

The Educator Special will allow for a classroom set of adoptions at $5 per student, so that each individual learner has the unique opportunity of adopting their own turtle! In year’s past the educator adoption has been a singular class adoption in which the students “share” their class turtle. With our new Educator Special students will have their own personal turtle to adopt and call their own from a list of actively tracking turtles.

These new adoption kits will come with a personalized PDF certificate, emailed to the lead educator, and the educator’s choice of a classroom set of bookmarks or stickers. This option also allows for the educator to set up a “Video call with an Expert” video seminar in which one of our STC staff members does a video call with your class to give a brief sea turtle talk and answer questions. We are constantly adding to our sea turtle curriculum and welcome resources that educators may have as well.

Please contact Evan Cooper at to participate in this adoption program.