Title of Lesson: How do we know what we know about Sea Turtles?
Length of Lesson: 2 days (50 minute periods)
Grade / Topic: Grades 8 – 12
Scientific research is the foundation of all that we teach our students in science classes. It is essential that we make it clear to our students that science is not merely a collection of facts that have already been set in stone. Science is an ongoing pursuit to investigate and make sense of all that is happening in the world (and universe!) around us. Everything we hold as knowledge in science is verified by empirical observations and experimentation. In order to be confident in our assertions of what is true, scientists collect long term data, do multiple replications of experiments and revise their assertions based on the totality of collected data. There are many instances in science of well intentioned investigators coming to erroneous conclusions based on too little evidence. This exploration introduces students to the importance of long term studies, and revision of knowledge based on continuing investigation.
Contact Dan Evans at Sea Turtle Conservancy to arrange a date and time for the video conference. Please make arrangements at least two weeks in advance of the date of your conference request.
Phone: 352-373-6441
InterACT with Sea Turtles was funded by a grant awarded from the Sea Turtle Grants Program. The Sea Turtle Grants Program is funded from proceeds from the sale of the Florida Sea Turtle License Plate. Learn more at www.helpingseaturtles.org.