Turtle Heroes: Poets and Artists
Turtle Heroes
Caribbean Conservation Corporation’s Turtle Heroes Program relies on the talents, skills, and efforts of individual volunteers. Turtle Heroes are interested in more hands-on involvement with sea turtle conservation, such as staffing tables at local events or festivals, or giving educational presentations to schools or groups. This section highlights some of the activities of CCC’s Turtle Heroes.
The Ode to the Sea Turtle
What do Legos, robots and sea turtles have in common? A group of ten, fine young men—aged 9 to 14—who comprised the Boonbotics Lego League Team. The Boonbotics team participated in First Lego League competitions, making it to state finals at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
The program combines robotic projects, created with Legos, and themed research projects. In 2005, the theme was Ocean Odyssey; and the Boonbotics team chose to study sea turtles and their habitats—using CCC’s website and educational DVD. The judges were impressed, not only with the team’s robotic prowess but with their impressive knowledge of sea turtles. Below is a poem by the Boonbotics Team:
You are born on distant beaches,
There’s a lot you can teach us,
You can grow to be 600 pounds,
Your grace in the water astounds,
Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Ridley, Leatherback, and Green,
You’re all endangered and rarely seen,
A female turtle returns to the same nesting site,
Laying hundreds of eggs in the middle of the night,
Baby turtles follow the moon,
Artificial light can kill ‘em too soon,
So many predators eat turtles and their eggs,
They can’t escape fast enough on their little legs,
Once the hatchlings reach the ocean their job is not done,
They must avoid nets and pollution, which can’t be fun,
Swimming and swimming and night and day,
Covering 100’s of miles with out delay,
Heed this warning for we make it clear,
Help protect the sea turtles or we will lose something dear.
Artshow Fundraiser
Artist Ryan Rosenberg’s first one-man art show was a smashing success all the way around. Ryan was able to raise $425 for the CCC through the sale of his artwork! “People truly embraced the cause,” Ryan told CCC. “The visitors really came forward and donated whatever they could.”