UPDATE: Agency Merger to Impact Florida’s Sea Turtle Protection Program

Date: March 22, 1999
Contact: Gary Appelson
Phone: (352) 373-6441

How You Can Help

Earlier this year, STC informed turtle advocates about issues related to the merger of the Marine Fisheries Commission and the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission into the New Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC). All marine wildlife programs will also be transferred into the new FWCC. Of special interest is how the Bureau of Protected Species (BPS) and its Marine Turtle Protection Program, now in the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), will operate after its move to the FWCC.

Both the Florida House and Senate are proposing substantially different merger bills. Both versions maintain the integrity of the BPS after the merger. So far that is good. However the House version, Bill #WRM 99-01, still needs our immediate attention to make sure it safe guards the protection of sea turtles under the new agency. Under the house version The Bureau of Protected Species will be limited in its ability to review and comment on activities by other agencies that may have a harmful impact on sea turtles and other protected species.

Currently, an Agency like DEP, which overseas and permits the construction of sea walls on Florida’s beaches, which has direct consequences to sea turtles and their nesting habitat, automatically involves and considers the comments of the Bureau of Protected Species. After the merger, Under the House bill, the Bureau of Protected Species will only be able to review and comment on permits that affect sea turtles “when requested” by the permitting agency. This is completely unacceptable and could significantly weaken the Bureau’s ability to ensure that other state agencies are not involved in activities harmful to turtles. The Bureau of Protected Species should be required to offer comments and recommendations to agencies permitting activities that affect protected species, as is currently being done.


Please contact the members of the House Committee on Water and Resource Management listed below, who oversee this bill. The Committee Chair and Vice Chair are most important.

1- Insist that House Bill, #WRM 99-012, “the wildlife merger bill”, provide for review and comment between the Bureau of Protected Species in the new FWCC and other permitting agencies. This must be a standard and accepted procedure. It is the only way to ensure that the opinions and scientific expertise of those charged with protecting sea turtles and other protected species are considered before permitted activities result in harm to those species.

2-Insist that the Bureau of Protected Species and its Marine Turtle Protection Program be transferred intact, with all its staff, and stronger than ever in its ability to protect our marine resources. Stress that it is the legislators responsibly to ensure that the net result of the merger is increased protection for Florida marine resources and all specially protected species. That is the purpose of the merger and the will of the people that approved it.

3-There are interests in Florida that would like to see a weaker Game Commission and a weaker Marine Fisheries Commission. They are trying to use the merger process to make it more difficult for the new FWCC to do its job. Now is the time to speak up and let our legislators know we are watching.

People to Contact:

Rep. J.D. Alexander, Chairman (District 66)
Florida House of Representatives
214 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
(850) 488-9465

Rep. Janegale Boyd-ViceChair (District 10)
Florida House of Representatives
411 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Annie Betaancourt (District 116)
Florida House of Representatives
1402 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
(850)488-5047 betancourt.annie@leg.state.fl.us

Rep. Fred Brummer (District 38)
Florida House of Representatives
321 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Ed Healey (District 86)
Florida House of Representatives
307 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. SharonMerchant (District 83)
Florida House of Representatives
326 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Mark Ogles (District 67)
Florida House of Representatives
402 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Kelley Smith (District 21)
Florida House of Representatives
418 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Carlos Valdes (District 111)
Florida House of Representatives
412 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Leslie Waters (District 51)
Florida House of Representatives
1202 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Randy Johnson (District 41)
Florida House of Representatives
1201 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Rep. Gaston Cantens (District 114)
Florida House of Representatives
307 House Office Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide on this issue!