Date: January 11, 2010
Perhaps one of the most important issues facing sea turtles in Florida in 2010 is the continuing effort to remove the existing state ban on drilling in Florida’s near shore coastal waters. Leaders in Tallahassee are being courted by dozens of very high paid lobbyists representing the oil industry and are committed to bringing this up in the 2010 Legislature. Everyone who cares about sea turtles and the many habitats they rely on should be concerned. Turtles not only depend on Florida’s world class beaches for nesting, but also sea grass beds, unique coral and rock reefs, inshore lagoons, and estuaries are all important habitats utilized by different species of sea turtles during all their life stages. These resources are at risk if Florida opens the doors to oil drilling near the coast.
On February 13th, Floridians will have a powerful and fun opportunity to express their support for our natural resources and their opposition to drilling for oil next to our beaches. A grassroots effort called Hands Across the Sands will take place throughout Florida, when thousands of people will join hands on their favorite beach in a solid and dramatic expression of public opposition to oil drilling. CCC encourages those that love sea turtles and Florida to learn about this event and take part. All you have to do is spend an hour or two on the beach and let your voice be heard!
What to do on February 13, 2010: