With Strong Bipartisan Support, a New Wildlife Stamp for Conservation Passes Congress New Conservation Funding will not Cost Taxpayers 1 Cent

Date: September 24, 2010
Contact: Marydele Donnelly, Director of International Policy
Phone: (325) 373-6441

The Sea Turtle Conservancy applauds the recent passage of H.R. 1454, the Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Act of 2009, by the U.S. Congress. Like the enormously popular Breast Cancer Research Semipostal Stamp, which has raised millions of dollars for cancer research, a small premium has been added to the cost of a regular first class stamp. The monies raised by the premium will be directed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support conservation programs for marine turtles, tigers, rhinos, great apes, and elephants.

The Sea Turtle Conservancy thanks U.S. Representatives Henry Brown (R-South Carolina), Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife, for introducing this legislation and Subcommittee Chairwoman Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam), an original co-sponsor of the bill, for making it a reality.

Eighty-four Democrats and 70 Republicans cosponsored H.R. 1454 in the House of Representatives. “The success of this bill demonstrates the importance of bipartisan support for conservation and the value Members of Congress and their constituents place on the world’s imperiled species,” stated Marydele Donnelly, STC’s Director of International Policy.

The Semipostal stamp for conservation will raise millions of dollars for conservation without any cost to taxpayers at a time when threats are increasing and global resources for imperiled species are shrinking. Continued Donnelly, “As the United States is faced with budget shortfalls, creative legislation like H.R. 1454 is enormously appealing, a situation in which all win.”

During the last year, the Multinational Species Coalition, a group of 31 organizations with more than 20 million members representing conservationists, sportsmen, veterinarians and others, has worked to generate support for H.R. 1454. Through outreach to the Congress and the administration, the Sea Turtle Conservancy is proud of the important role it played in passage of this legislation.


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Sea Turtle Conservancy, formerly known as Caribbean Conservation Corporation, is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization headquartered in Florida with offices and projects in several other locations. Since its founding in 1959, Sea Turtle Conservancy’s research and conservation efforts have greatly improved the survival outlook for several species of sea turtles. To achieve its mission, Sea Turtle Conservancy uses research, habitat protection, public education, community outreach, networking and advocacy as its basic tools. These tools are applied in both international and domestic programs focusing on geographic areas that are globally important to sea turtle survival. For more information, visit the STC website at www.conserveturtles.org or call (800) 678-7853.